Can the dead come back to life? While many scientists assure us that they cannot, the empty grave of Christ assures us that in Him everyone who trusts in His saving work on the cross of Calvary will live bodily with Him forever. When modern science tries ...

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There is a common sense saying in science that when anything can serve as an explanation to support a theory, the theory is not scientific. Let’s say that you have a friend who has a theory that invisible pink elephants fly over his house every day ...

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  Because we were created by God who values communication and has always desired to communicate with us, we are born with the natural ability to learn and to speak language. Those who believe in evolution usually disbelieve that humans have the natur...

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We at Creation Moments are often asked, where do evolutionists get all those millions of years? It seems they are always finding rocks and fossils that are tens or hundreds of thousands or even millions of years old. Some years ago, scientists discovered ...

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  • U.S. Army Celebrates Its 75,000 Birthday!
    We at Creation Moments are often asked, where do evolutionists get all those millions of years? It seems they are always finding rocks and fossils that are tens or hundreds of thousands or even millions of years old. Some years ago, scientists discovered human bones in California buried under thick layers of mud. Scientific authorities […]

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