Viewpoint of Mark Cadwallader, Creation Moments Board Chairman


    Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love;

                 Hearts unfold like flow’rs before Thee, op’ning to the sun above.

    – Henry van Dyke, 1907

    Our hearts can open up in wonderful spiritual consolation and joy before the testimony of God’s love and glory! And He communicates these characteristics not only through the special revelation of His Word but through the general revelation of His creation.

     The creation declares its Maker– “hearts unfold like flowers”… “opening before the sun”, as the second line of van Dyke’s hymn puts it. And this is a demonstration of joy, the theme of the hymn written to fit Beethoven’s melody “Ode to Joy”. Indeed, “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8) is what we have to look forward to in the Lord! And joy is the great sentiment of Christmas.

    Martin Luther said, “God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars.” This “reflection” of the love and grandeur of our Maker is known as the General Revelation of the creation and is explicitly described in Romans 1:19-20. We see the reflection of God through“what has been made”, and as we pause to consider it, we should be realizing how great He is and how needy we are of our Maker. This is the point God made to Job when He asked him the question, “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?”

    And then to realize that our great and awesome God entered our human condition Himself in the most humble way for our corporate and individual redemption into life eternal with Him is truly good news!

     By God’s grace, we have accomplished many things over  12 months to proclaim biblical creation to an evolution-indoctrinated world. Among them…

    • We produced 270 two-minute educational “Creation Moments” programs that are broadcast worldwide. We also added 15 new radio stations (4 in Spanish) so millions of new people have the opportunity to hear the gospel and the truth about biblical creation.
    • We have totally redesigned our website, making it easier than ever for people to access our vast library of free resources on their cell phones and computers. This was a huge undertaking, and the work is ongoing.


    Together, we are impacting our world!

    I wish I could share with you all of the wonderful comments we’ve received during the past year. Of course, they are thanking you, too, because you make it possible for us to carry on this vital ministry.

    “I really appreciate hearing you uncover Gods wonders.And I chuckle daily as you drive another nail in the evolutionist coffin.” –D.C.

    “I have been greatly blessed and encouraged by your program! My wife and I have been missionaries in Japan for 26+years. Most Japanese are totally shocked that anyone does not believe in evolution.Japanese love nature, so it is good to share examples from Gods creation!Thank you and keep up the good work!” – R.G.

    Won’t you help us with a special year-end donation?

     Wise biblical stewardship mandates that we honor Christ with our God-given resources. As you review your financial goals at year-end, we ask you to consider one last gift to Creation Moments in 2018. We believe that the Lord will return soon, but until that blessed day arrives, we have so much to do! Please pray for us and ask the Lord how much He wants you to give to support the work He is doing through our ministry.

     God bless you for partnering with us as we strive to impact millions of people with the truth of biblical creation … and proclaim the power of the gospel of Christ here and around the world!

     Countless blessings to you and your family this Christmas season!

    © 2018 Creation Moments All rights reserved.

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