Another Evolution Claim Goes Extinct

1 Corinthians 2:13a
“Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth….”

Evolutionists regularly announce that they have scientifically proven that this creature evolved from that creature. Or they say that science proves that this creature or that one has been extinct for millions of years. Further, such claims are not to be questioned because they have been proven by science.

Rat-squirrelIt’s been well over a century since Darwin laid the foundation for these claims. Since that time, whole books have been written about how the alleged claims of scientific proof have, themselves, been proven wrong. Today, we add one more discovery to the list of unproven claims. Evolution claims that the Diatomyidae, commonly known as the rat-squirrel, has been extinct for eleven million years. That is, until freshly caught rat-squirrels were found for sale at a meat market in Laos. The creatures have a rat-like face with a squirrel-like body and a not-very-bushy tail. They are smaller than the common squirrel. A careful analysis of the fossils and the skeletons of the modern specimens have convinced scientists that they are indeed the same creature. The rat-squirrels live deep in the forests of Laos seldom visited by Westerners.

Man’s wisdom has given birth to the theory of evolution. God’s wisdom, the heart of which is the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ, naturally contradicts man’s wisdom where man is wrong. You can count on it.

Father, I thank You for Your wisdom in Your Word. Help Your wisdom to dispel man’s wisdom in my life. Amen.

USA Today, 3/9/06, Mark A. Klinger, “Rat-squirrel not extinct after all.”